About the Quality Control Checks Workshop

Quality control checks from assessment experts describe and illustrate how to evaluate the quality of assessment questions before administering them to students. These quality control checks include validity, reliability, freedom from bias, standards alignment, thinking-skill rigor, academic vocabulary, and formatting. Educators are encouraged to occasionally include in their end-of-unit assessments questions that reflect the formats of state assessments so that students become familiar with, and have ongoing opportunities to demonstrate, their learning in the ways they will be expected to respond on external (state) achievement tests.

Quality control checks pinpoint any needed revisions that educators need to make to their assessment questions prior to administering the assessment to their students. These revisions will ensure that the inferences educators will make about students’ understanding from their assessment responses will be accurate.

Prerequisite Workshops:

Selected-Response and Constructed-Response Assessment Workshops

Constructed-Response Questions With Elements of Correct Responses

Participants need to attend the two assessment design workshops before they can effectively critique their selected-response and constructed-response assessment questions that are designed with specific ITLS elements.

What You Will Experience and Create Through Explanation, Examples, and Practice:

Part 1

  • Write First, Refine Later
  • Fairness, Validity, and Reliability
  • The Quality Control Checks with Examples
  • Activity 1: Check for Alignment
  • Examples of Critiqued Multiple-Choice Questions
  • Activity 2: Critique Multiple-Choice Questions
  • Examples of Critiqued Short Constructed-Response Questions
  • Activity 3: Critique Short Constructed-Response Questions
  • Examples of Critiqued Extended-Response Questions
  • Activity 4: Critique Extended-Response Question

Part 2

  • How to Create the Pre-Assessment

  • Pre-Assessing Students in Social Sciences

Virtual Session: Two Hours

Who Should Attend

District and School Leaders, Grades 2-12 Classroom Educators, Content Area Coordinators and Specialists, Instructional Coaches

For More Information


CHAPTER 13: Critique Assessment Questions with Quality Control Checks