About the “Unwrapping” Essential Standards Workshop:

When educators have clarity about what their students are to learn, John Hattie’s research reveals this produces an approximate effect size of 0.75—equivalent to almost two years of student growth in one school year.

The “unwrapping” process is a powerful technique all PK-12 educators use to gain that precise clarity of the Essential Standards. When educators “unwrap” standards prior to any instructional planning or assessment writing, they clearly understand the specific concepts and skills their students need to learn—and at the corresponding levels of rigor. They can then create formative and summative assessments that align with that rigor and plan instruction to help all students achieve the identified learning goals.

What You Will Experience and Create Through Explanation, Examples, and Practice:

Part 1: “Unwrapping” the Essential Standards

  • See the “Big Picture” of the Integrated Teaching & Learning System©
  • Learn How “Unwrapping” Essential Standards Provides the Unit of Study Foundation
  • Connect Importance of Clarity to the “Unwrapping” Process
  • See Educator-Created and A.I.-Generated Examples of “Unwrapping” Across Content Areas
  • Activity 1: Select and “Unwrap” Essential Standard of Choice in Any Content Area
  • Activity 2: Create a Graphic Organizer of “Unwrapped” Concepts and Skills

Part 2: Identifying the Levels of Rigor and Connections

  • See Educator-Created and A.I.-Generated Examples of Rigor in Multiple Content Areas

  • Activity 3: Identify Levels of Cognitive Rigor—Bloom’s and Depth of Knowledge (DOK)—For “Unwrapped” Essential Standard of Choice

  • See How “Unwrapping” Essential Standards and Levels of Rigor Connect to Student Learning Targets, Success Criteria, and Unit Assessments

Virtual Workshop: Two Hours

Who Should Attend

District and School Leaders, PK-12 Classroom Educators, Content Area Coordinators and Specialists, Instructional Coaches

For More Information

What Participants Are Saying About the “Unwrapping” Standards Virtual Workshop

“’Unwrapping’ standards is an important step for teachers to deeply understand the standards and create appropriate assessments.”

“The process is good—I like the separation of the skills (verbs) and concepts (nouns) for clarity.”

“Hearing the process colleagues went through and the clarity they established with that process together was very helpful.”

“This process is the key to connecting the standards to everything else that comes after: instruction, activities, projects, and assessments. Well worth the time to get to the clarity for the whole journey!”

“Stopping to think and discuss the standards helps to establish them in my mind and understand them better.”

“Awesome information. Thank you!”

“Teacher training programs (should) make this a part of their curriculum.”

“We’ve worked with my teachers on ‘unpacking’ the standards, but identifying the level of rigor and creating assessment tasks that match the rigor of the standard is an area of growth for my teachers.”