NEW! Integrating Teaching and Learning Series

Vol 1-3


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Integrating Teaching and Learning: "Timeless Essentials" for Creating Integrated Units of Study is a unique series that PK-12 educators are successfully using to create new units of study, or enrich existing ones, with indispensable elements that fully integrate their instruction with students' learning.

Volume One in this series presents straightforward, practical ways to simplify and clarify the often-complex process of identifying and aligning Essential Standards, PK-12. You will then learn how to “unwrap” Essential Standards for teacher clarity, identify their levels of rigor, write Student Learning Targets and Success Criteria for student clarity, and compose teacher-created and student-worded Big Ideas. This first set of “timeless essentials” builds the standards-aligned foundation for creating quality units of study.

Volume Two in this series shows how to create Essential Questions that engage students in discovering the corresponding Big Ideas. You will see how to improve educators’ assessment literacy to write or select—with the aid of A.I.-generated questions—quality end-of-unit assessments that blend selected-response questions with constructed-response questions and clearly worded Scoring Guides. Guidelines from assessment experts detail how to critique the quality of assessment questions before administering them to students.

Volume Three in this series shows how to plan Learning Progressions--the “building blocks of daily instruction” --that educators use to teach their students the prerequisite concepts and skills of the “unwrapped” Essential Standards. Quick Progress Checks provide timely feedback that educators use to adjust follow-up instruction and that students use to make needed learning adjustments. Standards-Aligned Learning Tasks, highly engaging mini-projects, enable students to progressively develop and reveal their understanding of the Essential Standards’ “unwrapped” concepts, skills, and Big Ideas.